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FSPISH dhe Federata Arabe e Punonjesve te Kimise, naftes dhe minierave nenshkruannje marreveshje bashkepunimi mes tyre
Me date 14 Nentor 2018, FSPISH dhe Federata Arabe e Punonjesve te Kimise, Minierave dhe Naftes te Egjyptit nenshkruan nje protokoll te perbashket bashkepunimi mes tyre. Takimi u zhvillua ne Kairo, Egjipt dhe ne kete takim te rendesishem ishin te ftuar nga ana e Shqiperise dhe Konsulli jone ne Egjypt, zoti Adrian Lubonja, gjithashtu dhe Presidenti dhe zv/presidentja e KSSH-s, por gjithashtu dhe qeveritare te Egjyptit si Ministri i Punes dhe shume lidere te tjere te Sindikatave dhe Federatave te Egjyptit.
Palet nenshkruese shprehen besimin e tyre te plote ne nje bashkepunim te suksesshem dhe permbajtjen e pikave me rigorozitet. Ato u shprehen qe ky bashkepunim do te jete fillimi i nje rruge te gjate gjithmone ne kerkim te strategjive te reja per sa i perket globalizimit te tregut te punes, ceshtjet e sigurise dhe shendetit ne pune ne kompanite internacionale, gjithashtu dhe kerkesa per pune dhe rroga te denja per punonjesit te cilet perballen me sfida nga me te ndryshmet ne keto kompani internacionale.
Per me teper me poshte keni te plote protokollin e perbashketper bashkepunim te nenshkruar nga te dyja palet.
Joint protocol between Arab Federation of Petroleum Chemical and Mining and Trade Union Federation of Industrial Workers of Albania ( FSPISH)
With the aim to establish the development of bilateral relations in order to exchange information and experiences in the work, a high level delegation, representing Trade Union Federation of Industrial Workers of Albania (FSPISH) is visiting Egypt at an invitation of Arab Federation of Petroleum chemical and mining. They attend various discussions with their counterpart in Arab region. The delegation is composed of :
- Kol Nikollaj The President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Albania ( KSSH)
- Anisa Subashi Vise/President of Trade Union Federation of Albania ( KSSH)
- Taf Koleci General Secretary of Trade Union Federation of Industrial Workers of Albania (FSPISH)
- Bora Agaj The Head of International Department of FSPISH
Taking into account the function of the Union in the field of protection the worker’s rights and the realization of social and economic rights in their respective countries, the Parties decide:
- To boost Multilateral and bilateral relations through at sight visit in their respective countries.
- To exchange delegations to learn from experiences related with improving of the labour-law status of membership.
- To cement International relations by attending regional meetings in Balkan and Arab regions.
- To exchange information between two Federations and informing each other about the latest developments related to social, labour and health policy.
- To safeguard knowledge by extending educational courses for members, to be agreed through correspondence.
- To mandate international relations consultant in Egypt and Albania Mostafa Rostom and Bora Agaj to handle and protect this relationship.
- To focus upon the establishment of research institute to safeguard international labour standards under ILO umbrella.
- To cement International relations with international relations Secretariat.
This Agreement of Cooperation shall enter into force upon signature of the Parties thereto.
The Agreement can be out of power if one of the parties express a desire for it. The other Parties should be informed about such intention at least three months prior to the date of cancellation.
This Agreement is written in Albanian,Arabic and English language. The texts in Albanian, Arabic And English language have the equal importance. The English version takes priority in case of any question.
This agreement is conducted in Cairo and signed by:
Eng Emad Hamdi Mr. Taf Koleci
Arab Fede. General Secretary of
Trade Union Federation of Industrial
Industrial Workers of Albania
Cairo, on 14.11.2018