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IndustriALL Executive Committee on 12 and 13 of December 2017

IndustriALL Executive Committee on 12 and 13 of December 2017


On 12 and 13 of December 2017, in Brussels, took place the industriALL European Executive Committee.General Secretary of Trade Union Federation of Industrial Workersof Albania attended this meeting. The meeting consisted in the efforts that have been done and what must be done on worker’s protection. It has been discussed about the European Clean Energy and a lot of other important issues for the European Union Movement, like digitalization,environmental, etc… . IndustriALL is like a big family, is always ready to collaborates with its affiliates. Mr. Luc Triangle, General Secretary of industriALL Europe, shared with the participants the newest project industriALL Union, in Fasson field, where Albania is taking part on this project, both with other countries of the region, like a country that in a near future will be one of  EU countries. Also he stressed that Fasson workers are less payed than other fields. There are presented the campaigns on pay rise,gender equality, where Albania has been presented by FSPISH.


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