• March


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12 of March solidary day with Albanian oilers.  “REFUZE TO BE JOBLESS”

12 of March solidary day with Albanian oilers. “REFUZE TO BE JOBLESS”

Today, on March 12, 2018, all the affiliates of the energetic network RETUNSEE, have been solidarized with Albanian Oilers under the logo ” OIL IS OURS” and “REFUSE TO BE JOBLESS”.

FSPISH, KSSH, SPNSH and Interested  GROUPS held an urgent meeting to make important decisions for the conduct of protests across the country on this major issue, such as 1,200 oilers fates. Head of KSSH and Head of FSPISH call on all, that on March 15, 2018, to protest in front of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy to show that we are convinced and will not lined our protests until the perfumed solution to this major issue for oilers. The distillers concerned about their fate require from the Albanian state, and especially from Mr. Edi Rama, to keep the promise given to reopen the rules and laws of the plant in Ballsh. So all together on March 15 to show and once together with the mind and body, we are stronger.

The energetic network RETUNSEE together with its affiliates have undertaken a solidarity campaign with FSPISH to support the rights of Albanian Oil Polluters.





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