• December


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The speech of the head of the Trade Union Federation of Industrial Workers of Albania,Taf Koleci at the meeting of Annual Analysis of this Federation.
8 miners have lost their lives in galleries in 2018, Mr. Ahmetaj do not delay the approval of miners’ status or protests until your dismissal
Only two days ago, miners Vasfi Demo died, from Pogradec, leading to eight deaths in the number of miners who lost their lives during 2018 in the galleries of death.
This figure is tragic when you think how many people are left in this country, but above all it is tragic when you see how the government drags the miner’s status approval and abolished oil status.
I do not want to dwell on the number of injured that there are dozens of incidents when miners are injured and cases are not registered.
The rogue thief Arben Ahmetaj has long been using some pseudosindikalists is outlining the unions and consequently is holding hostage to the approval of the Miniature Status. On the other hand, Damian Gjiknuri, Minister of Infrastructure, rushes for a draft agreed, but how can a draft be agreed upon pseudosindikalists mocking the blood and sweat of miners.
Great paradeist when he thinks this category lies under the ground to assure the survival of their families and the Albanian economy and for their fate they need to put some thieves with clasps in the air-conditioned offices.
FSPISH Call on Finance Minister Arben Ahmetaj, Industry Minister Damian Gjiknuri not to step down the status of a miner since in January will face massive protests that will escalate into hunger strikes.

In recent months, the Social Insurance Institute and the relevant staff of the Ministry of Finance and Economy have prepared a new draft law that foresees amending the rules on supplementary pensions for miners, oil and metallurgical workers.
FSPISH   familiar with this draft law expresses concern that the benefits provided for miners and oil workers in the metallurgy sector are minimal in relation to what they should be.
The time has come to end the sweat of the miners of oil and metallurgists.
The latter are working under the minimal technical security conditions, no insurance is paid, the State Inspectorate and the Health Inspectorate are unrelated to the areas where they operate in the mining sector.

The legal vacuum stipulates that inspectors only control the mines on the surface, but not in their interior.
This legal stalemate is a consequence of the tragedies warned in Albanian mines, many of which are hostage to crime-related politicians.

Table Miners Dead 2018

Qazim Likmetaj Klos March 6, 2018

Enver Koci 66 years old Bulqize 20 March 2018

P.M, 57 years. Klos 13 April 2018
Angjelosh Shahini 52 years old Bulqizë 14 April

Medi Hidri 62 years old 11 May 2018
Shpresa Rami, 50, Bulqize 16 May 2018
Artur Master 15 July 2018

Vasfi Demo Pogradec December 19, 2018






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