• March


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Speech by Secretary General of FSPISH on refugee problem coming to Europe from Syria at the EPSU and PSI meeting

Speech by Secretary General of FSPISH on refugee problem coming to Europe from Syria at the EPSU and PSI meeting

Mr Taf Koleci at the opening of his speech noted that the problem of refugees coming to Europe from wars in Syria is not a problem that belongs to a nation or nationality or knows borders. It is an international problem that relates directly and essentially to human rights and freedoms and the rules of war. Our side continues to be in line with the position of progressive “progressive” international political forces that the war in Syria and around it poses a serious threat to international peace and stability. That is why we continue to be part of this great international choir and call on all sides to fight so that this war is forbidden and these parties rise above the personal political intent of their nation to become part of the solution not only of the Syrian issue but also on a global scale for the establishment of peace. Mr. Kolec continued with the request that we, on behalf of the Albanian trade unions, ask you for the political, social and economic structures of the EU that the Syrian refugee caravans do not stumble and fall into the Balkans, but to rely and move around the Western member states of the EU, in order to alleviate this cruel situation.
Mr. Koleci was conveyed on behalf of all Albanian unions that We garner our maximum support and contribution, not only for the Albanian government but for all the European and world political and economic structures in terms of supporting the refugees of war, let them be alleviated the trauma and consequences that left this war.